
Update: The Chamber’s Status

Good news: I hope to have The Chamber up and running again in 1-2 weeks if not sooner. Check back for updates.


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Contributors to The Chamber Magazine (TCM) receive no pay at this time other than a publication credit and exposure. Therefore, TCM tries to give the works of its contributors the widest possible exposure around the world. To that end: If you read something you like, do your friends and the world a favor by re-posting or re-tweeting it, by linking back to it, or otherwise sharing it.

The Chamber seeks dark short stories, poems, reviews, essays, and interviews from around the world. New material appears daily (usually) at 10:00 a.m. US central time. Usually, works are published within 2-3 weeks of being accepted, though this may vary depending on several factors.

If you would like to submit your dark short stories or poems to The Chamber, follow this link to the Submissions page.

Visit our sister publication Rural Fiction Magazine for stories and poems exploring the drama and beauty of rural life.

If text in search bar does not appear, highlight the search bar contents with your cursor. We apologize for the inconvenience. WordPress is sometimes troublesome. We are looking into a remedy.

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